Friday, October 17, 2008

Risky Businesses

There are so many jobs out there that can affect us.Robert Nester a registered nurse and health scientist says "About 70 teens die of injuries that are work related." Even the jobs that don't seem like they can injure us cause these injuries. Take restaurant jobs for example. You might encounter a slip and fall or a burn these types of injuries can sent you to and emergency room. An outdoor job can be just as dangerous. Your skin exposed to the sun without sunscreen and you eyes not having 100% UV protection can cause you to get skin related illnesses and you will ruin your eye site. In any job that you perform you should always use common sense so you can avoid the harms.


baller 14 said...

Your blog was very interesting and i didn't know that 70% of teens die from work...well i would rate it a 10/10...nice work...

stephanie said...

In this artical you put many facts and it is very intersting stuff that i did not know about..