Monday, October 27, 2008

High-Tech Nursing

As we move on into the future we learn more and more about how the body works and how we can use technology to help teach the future nurses to respond in any type of situation. For example they used to have to wait to find out if a person is losing oxygen and usually it is almost too late and that person has a less percentage of living. Some nurses in training us mannequins that help them in their training. Instead of working on real patients they use the mannequins so they don’t do anything wrong on the patients. They also mad up a video game that will help them with the situation if a new born baby was born with some birth effects or if the new born is ill. Today’s technology has taken us a long way in helping people, and giving us practice to better our understanding and our practices. The technology helps us save more lives and I think that we should keep improving that.

Making Scents

Most people I know do not like chemistry or any type of science. I don’t even like science, but some labs we do are interesting. In Making Scents she takes her love for science and fragrant and uses them at a scented candle manufacturer called Illume. Here she makes different kind of scents and turns them into candles. As the candle is lit and burns it gives of the aroma. There are many people who love the scented candles and though I do not love science I would want to try what she does.
I think that some jobs or careers that we want to pursue might contain some schooling and subjects that we won’t want to take and think is hard. To take on a challenge and doing something that we wouldn’t do I think helps us become a stronger person and would help us as we live our lives. Learning more is the key to success and now days it is as if we have to learn things that we are not really interested in because that is where all the jobs are.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Everywhere A Sign

There are 300,000,000+ people in the United States; twenty-eight million people of this population are deaf. That is about 10 percent of our population. There is a place and some colleges teach the American Sign Language. This is really good and helpful to the people who can’t hear and understand our words. They need help with the things they do in there daily lives. I think that it is really important that we who can learn the sign language should learn it will also contribute to a better society. Getting help is what we have had in school and having jobs, giving is something we should do for those who can’t have the kind of jobs we have. They are capable of having a career but it is us that can teach them sign language that will help them understand what we talk about. This might not happen to some people but it just might, if you encounter someone who is deaf and they try to ask you something you will have a very hard time trying to figure out what they are saying. It would be good to learn at least the basics of sign language. If I had the chance to learn I would take it, it would be fun and helpful at some point in my life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Picture Power

This article that I read is about a way of making your biggest dreams and goals come true. A Goals Collage is a very good way of making it to your dreams and making it to the life you want. It helps to keep your mind on what you want to achieve and it’s a lot of help in actually reaching the goals. It reminds you of why you stay in school or keep a job. This is a very good way in keeping you focus because it helps you by seeing the picture and you actually visualize it and you think you are that much closer in getting there. So if you think that it will help you then you can make a Goals Collage for yourself.

Lights, Camera, Internet Hookup

In Career World the article is about making short videos for the internet and posting it on sites such as YouTube. They are saying that it is a step you can take in becoming a producer or getting one of your stories on camera. In the past they looked for people who wanted to make sitcoms and show by getting a paper and reading their ideas of one. Now they are looking to the internet and finding the people they think have talent there and can write a good story. Most videos are 90 seconds long but now they can go on for half an hour, but they are still not close to the television.
I think that the idea of using the internet is great and easier for someone to get their big break. The people who are searching for talent don’t have to spend hours sitting there trying to find the best stories. They can see one video clip and think that it will make a good beginning for a whole series or episode. This is not only for those who want to make it big but also for those who love to make videos and just enjoy making these for themselves and others to see.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Risky Businesses

There are so many jobs out there that can affect us.Robert Nester a registered nurse and health scientist says "About 70 teens die of injuries that are work related." Even the jobs that don't seem like they can injure us cause these injuries. Take restaurant jobs for example. You might encounter a slip and fall or a burn these types of injuries can sent you to and emergency room. An outdoor job can be just as dangerous. Your skin exposed to the sun without sunscreen and you eyes not having 100% UV protection can cause you to get skin related illnesses and you will ruin your eye site. In any job that you perform you should always use common sense so you can avoid the harms.

Proceed with Caution

Choices you make on getting into a career can be hard. This is a list you can use to help you avoid those mistakes and what i think about them.
1. Saying "I can't"
This is a big problem for some people. They might not believe in themselves because of what people say to them or they have tried something and failed at it. This is not a good way in starting your life you have to have confidence in yourself and believe regardless of what everyone else says. Once you stop saying "I Can't" then the rest should be easier.
2. Getting dollar signs in your eyes
Some of us are money driven and work just to reach that paycheck. I think that if you chose something that you enjoy doing even if it doesn't pay a huge amount of money then you will be happy. Just as long as you last and can pay for the things that are needed. If you chose to do something you don't like and you get a lot of money, you will get tired and bored of it that you would want to quit.
3. Doing what your parents expect-or what you think they expect
If you are doing what your parents expect then you are doing what they love and not what you love. It's like #2 not doing what you love and end up leaving that job. You know what you like and what you are capable of doing. Tell your parents that you respect their opinions on a career for you but you know yourself and know what you want to do.
4. Assuming a job won't be useful in building experience
When you are young but old enough to work then you should take that opportunity. The skills that you learn you can take it and apply to other jobs. There is a lot that jobs have in common that don't involve doing the same thing. Like showing up to work on time and working hard to get the job done.
5. Doing it alone
Remember that you don't have to do this by yourself and that you have so many people around that will be more than glad to help you. Some examples would be your parents, older brothers, sisters, cousins, teachers, coaches, and friends. If you are having trouble then you should ask someone you can trust and depend on for advice.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

UP IN ARMS (Should teachers carry guns?)

I have just read an article in a current events magazine and it surprises me. There have been some cases of shootings in schools and one school in Texas has decided to let 25 employees of the school to carry handguns. This school is frightened that the school might have a shooting happen just because other schools have had it happen in their school. This idea of the school teachers and staff carrying a gun around is crazy. Even if they have been in training to learn how to shoot and handle a gun they can never be too safe. Shooting a gun and actually hitting the target takes lots of practice. If a threat happens to come over the school are they even sure that the teachers will have the strength to pull the trigger and shoot the attacker? I don’t think that a teacher would do that. The person who is a threat might shoot the teacher or students before the teachers get the chance to shoot them. Think about it how old are these students, if they get a hold of the gun they might have an accident. So having teachers carry guns to protect themselves and students is as risky as having someone coming in and shooting everyone.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wall Street Blues

On September 15, the Lehman Brothers investment bank announced they have to close down. It had lost so much money that the U.S. stock market fell 504 points. The U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson asked for a $700 billion to help these banks and help our nation’s banks.
The start of this whole thing wasn’t much of a problem, so they thought. The money that the banks were loaning was for families and people who were trying to buy a home. The banks thought they could give the families the money and they can pay them back a little at a time. This turned to be a big problem the banks gave so many loans that they were losing the money and the little payments were not keeping them from losing everything. As they raised the small monthly payments the people stopped paying because it was too much money for them.
Before the money was approved the nation was in debt at almost $10 trillion, now it is much higher and the tax payers will have to pay for this debt. I think that the banks and the government should be responsible and think about it before they make the final decision.